INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR “AGENTS” – Effective on February 14, 2024
I, W. (Bill) Schultz, CPM, FRI, as the CEO, with 4U2 Inc., am being paid, only, on a Results Achieved (Commission) basis. You, as an Independent Contractor Agent, eg. Account Executive, Purchaser, Supplier, have my full commitment to assist You to achieve success when You become associated with 4U2 Inc.
Example Only:
You, as an Account Executive, with 4U2 Inc., can earn a 10% commission on every successfully completed transaction, for identifying and registering a New Supplier with 4U2 inc., before any transaction.
You, as an Account Executive, with 4U2 Inc., can earn a 10% commission on every successfully completed transaction by identifying and registering a New Purchaser with 4U2 Inc., before any transition.
You, as an Account Executive, with 4U2 Inc., can earn a 20% commission on every successfully completed transaction by identifying and registering, both, a New Supplier AND a New Purchaser with 4U2 Inc., before any transaction.
You, as an Account Executive with 4U2 Inc., can earn a 10% commission by recruiting and registering a New Account Executive with 4U2 Inc., who must, independently, perform the same service as You are providing. If You identify and register a New Supplier, a New Purchaser, and a New Account Executive, You can earn a total of 30% commission on every successfully completed transaction, that includes all three of the above.
You, as a Purchaser, with 4U2 Inc., can also GROW Your Team. How? Follow the same procedure, as described in the Account Executive process and can earn a total of 30% commission on every successfully completed transaction, that includes all three of the above.
You, as a Supplier, with 4U2 Inc., can also GROW Your Team. How? Follow the same procedure, as described in the Account Executive process and can earn a total of 30% commission on every successfully completed transaction, that includes all three of the above
You will continue to receive the appropriate commission from 4U2 Inc. for every Supplier, Purchaser and Account Executive that You have registered with 4u2 Inc – even if the Supplier and/or Purchaser is used by any other Account Executive while You and the other applicable Agents are associated with 4U2 Inc.
Should you have any further questions or require more information, please contact 4U2 Inc. at 4u2inc123@gmail.com, today!